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Our Demands

Our Four Point Plan for Queensland’s future

1. Protect Queensland's farmland and water from new gas

  • Ensure that regional priority areas at risk from mining and unconventional gas are permanently protected, including priority agricultural land and strategic cropping land on the Darling Downs and in Central Queensland.
  • Provide landholders with an unequivocal legal right to say no to CSG operations on their property and to withdraw from current agreements without penalty in light of new evidence about the impacts of subsidence.
  • Protect the Channel Country from any future oil and gas developments or expansions.
  • Protect farmland and underground water by refusing risky new unconventional gas developments.

2. Protect Queensland’s farmland and water from new coal

  • Protect the nation's most precious water source, the Great Artesian Basin, by instituting a strict cap on any direct or indirect take of water for mining and gas and preventing contamination by CO2 or other sources.
  • Protect water, farmland and nature by refusing new greenfield coal mines and risky coal mine expansions.

3. Support communities to build a strong and resilient future

  • Support Queensland communities and local councils to develop diversification plans for Queensland that recognise job opportunities in mine rehabilitation, agriculture, manufacturing and renewable energy.
  • Rule out providing further subsidies for fossil fuel exploration or infrastructure development.
  • Retain community merits review rights, giving people affected by coal and gas projects the opportunity to be heard in court and have an objective ruling on the impact of projects.

4. Improve oversight of the mining industry

Require coal and gas companies to decarbonise their existing operations by developing greenhouse gas abatement plans in line with relevant targets, budgets and climate science. These plans must be independently reviewed and require full utilisation of existing methane abatement technologies such as:

  • Abatement of all ventilated air methane at existing underground mines
  • Pre mine drainage for all existing open cut coal mines
  • A shift to renewable energy and a switch to electric vehicles

5. Strengthen Queensland’s cultural heritage legislation to ensure strong protections for cultural sites in Queensland and ensure proper enforcement.